Noah's sons. Detail from the Noah-Window....
Noah curses his son Ham. Detail from the Noah-Win...
Noah, his wife, and two sons. Detail from the Noah-Win...
Saint Mary and Saint Anne with young Jesus. Detail from the choir-stalls...
San Lorenzo, the Sagrestia Vecchia, the Old Sacristy, with marble tomb of Giov...
A scene from the life of Saint John Evangelist, relief below the ceiling...
The Flight to Egypt; from the north wall of the monastery church...
The Flight to Egypt. 153 painted, square wooden panels, each roughly 90...
Manger,used in the monastery church during Christmas services.Woodcarving,aro...
Manger,used in the monastery church during Christmas services.Detail. Woodcar...
Manger,used in the monastery church during Christmas services.Detail. Woodcar...
Christmas in the Austrian village of Wagrain.Children and young people go from...