Elisa Bonaparte,sister of Napoleon I,Grandduchess of Tuscany, with her daught...
Caroline Bonaparte, sister of Napoleon,Queen of Naples with her children.
Mme.de Montespan (1640-1707),mistress of Louis XIV. and her children by the...
Francisque Sarcey (1827-1899),literary critic, at the house of the daug...
Nightcap of English king Charles II (1660-1685).
Needlepoint portrait of English king Charles I, beheaded in 1649 by orde...
"Ripon Horn", a wedding present for Mary, Princess of Teck, bride of King G...
Emperor Karl V and his wife Isabella of Portugal.The wedding took place in 15...
Pope Paul III Farnese (1468-1549). Canvas, 89 x 78 cm,paint...
Jakob II Fugger,called "The Rich" (1459-1525), merchant and moneylender...
Jakob II Fugger,called "The Rich" (1459-1525), merchant and moneylender...
The board of directors of the Krupp Industries. Left foreground:Alfried...