Ketubah, a Jewish marriage contract, from Egypt. A half-moon and star, sy...
A Ketubah from Singapore is decorated with heraldic lions and fish, a symbol...
Ketubah, jewish marriage contract, from Utica, New York, USA, 1864. Gra...
Ketubah, a Jewish marriage contract, from Padua, Italy, 1732. Above the t...
Ketubah, a Jewish marriage contract, from Shiraz, Iran, 1925. Roses, birds...
Ketubah, Jewish marriage contract, from Meshed, Iran, early 19th. Written in A...
Ketubah (detail of upper half) from Istanbul, 1853 This Jewish marriage con...
Ketubah (detail of upper half) from Calcutta, India, 1900. Exotic local flora...
Ketubah, Jewish marriage contract, from Herat, Afghanistan, 1879. The u...
Ketyubah, Jewish marriage contract, (detail) from Jerusalem, 1844. Th...
Ketubah, Jewish marriage contract, from Tiberias, Israel, 1888. Apotropaic...
Amulet, from Persia. This amulet was meant to protect mother and child during...