Mother and child. Terracotta From Drenovac, Serbia....
#070202 1
Mother tends to her child. She sits on a rug made of animal skin. Another woman...
Hierogamus, sacred marriage. Harness plate, silver, gilded (400-350 BCE). From L...
#080101 1
Anhour Khaou, chief builder at Thebes, seated with his wife (earring) and g...
#080101 2
Harpist playing and singing to Anhour Khaou, chief builder at Thebes (fan:...
Nakht with his family hunting in the Nile marshes. Detail of a wallpainting...
#080102 3
Royal family life: Pharaoh Amenophis IV Akhnaton, Queen Nefertiti, and 3 daughte...
#080102 7
Princess of Amarna, from the family of Amenophis IV A...
The royal family of Amenophis IV Akhnaton offers a sacrifice to Aton, the sungod...
Princess with a short hair-do. One of more than 1500 relief fragments found near...
#080103 5
Bes, god of matrimony, as a dwarf. Stone figure (1500 BCE)...
Night and day journey of the sun. - The goddess Nut swallowed the sun at nig...