4 subcategories


Father and Child




Mother and Child


1,197 photos
Mother and child. Terracotta                           
From Drenovac, Serbia. Vinca Culture,                  
Neolithic (5th mill. BCE).                       
Height 21 cm                                           
Inv. 5670

Mother and child. Terracotta From Drenovac, Serbia....

Mother tends to her child. She sits on a rug made
of animal skin. Another woman sits below her.
Wall painting from Tassili N'Ajjer, Sahara.
Collection Henri Lhote.
#070202 1

Mother tends to her child. She sits on a rug made of animal skin. Another woman...

Hierogamus, sacred marriage.
Harness plate, silver, gilded (400-350 BCE).
From Letnica, Bulgaria.
Height 5 cm
Inv. 604

Hierogamus, sacred marriage. Harness plate, silver, gilded (400-350 BCE). From L...

Anhour Khaou, chief builder at Thebes, seated with     
his wife (earring) and grandchildren, gently holding   
a lock of one of the granddaughters. Wallpainting in   
Anhour Khaou's tomb, carved 10 m below ground level    
in the cemetery of Deir el-Medina, Thebes, Egypt.
#080101 1

Anhour Khaou, chief builder at Thebes, seated with his wife (earring) and g...

Harpist playing and singing to Anhour Khaou, chief     
builder at Thebes (fan: symbol of office), and to his  
wife (earring). Only painting of a singing harpist.    
Wallpainting in Anhour Khaou's tomb, carved 10 m below 
ground level, in the cemetery of Deir el-Medina.
#080101 2

Harpist playing and singing to Anhour Khaou, chief builder at Thebes (fan:...

Nakht with his family hunting in the Nile marshes.     
Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb of Nakht, scribe  
and priest under Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV (18th Dynasty,   
16th-14th BCE),in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Nakht with his family hunting in the Nile marshes. Detail of a wallpainting...

Royal family life: Pharaoh Amenophis IV
Akhnaton, Queen Nefertiti, and 3 daughters
praying to the sun. Bas-relief from Amarna
about 1350 BCE, New Kingdom
43.5 x 39 cm
#080102 3

Royal family life: Pharaoh Amenophis IV Akhnaton, Queen Nefertiti, and 3 daughte...

Princess of Amarna, from the                           
family of Amenophis IV Akhnaton.                       
Painted stone bust,                                    
1350-1300 BCE, New Kingdom                             
E 14715
#080102 7

Princess of Amarna, from the family of Amenophis IV A...

The royal family of Amenophis IV Akhnaton
offers a sacrifice to Aton, the sungod.
Relief from Amarna, Egypt,
1350 BCE, New Kingdom
105 x 50 cm

The royal family of Amenophis IV Akhnaton offers a sacrifice to Aton, the sungod...

Princess with a short hair-do. One of more than 1500
relief fragments found near Hermopolis at the site of
Amarna, capital of Pharaoh Akhnaton and Queen
Nofretete. Around the middle of the 14th BCE, Akhnaton
introduced monotheist sun-worship. New Kingdom, Egypt

Princess with a short hair-do. One of more than 1500 relief fragments found near...

Bes, god of matrimony, as a dwarf.                     
Stone figure (1500 BCE)                                
New Kingdom, Egypt                                     
N 437
#080103 5

Bes, god of matrimony, as a dwarf. Stone figure (1500 BCE)...

Night and day journey of the sun. - The goddess Nut    
swallowed the sun at night and gave birth to it again  
each morning. Wallpainting on the ceiling of the tomb  
of Ramses VI, Valley of the Kings, Biban el-Muluk,     
Thebes. 20th Dynasty (1196-1080 BCE), New Kingdom

Night and day journey of the sun. - The goddess Nut swallowed the sun at nig...