4 subcategories


Father and Child




Mother and Child


1,199 photos
La Sainte Famille - The Holy Family.
INV 661

La Sainte Famille - The Holy Family. INV 661

La naissance de la Vierge - Birth of the Virgin Mary.
Canvas, 71,5 x 42 cm
RF 1974-18
Saint Mary September 8th

La naissance de la Vierge - Birth of the Virgin Mary. Canvas, 71,5 x 42 cm RF...

The Holy Family and Saint Catherine (Mystic Marriage)
Canvas; 256 x 170cm
Cat. 146

The Holy Family and Saint Catherine (Mystic Marriage) Canvas; 256 x 170cm Cat....

The Holy Family with a lamb
Wood; 29 x 21cm
Cat. 296

The Holy Family with a lamb Wood; 29 x 21cm Cat. 296

The adoration ot the three Magi
Canvas; 346 x 488cm
Cat. 1638

The adoration ot the three Magi Canvas; 346 x 488cm Cat. 1638

Pfaenderspiele der Familienmitglieder Alt im Garten -  
A game of forfeits in the garden of the Alt-family,    
around 1840.                                           
Canvas,36 x 42 cm                                      

Pfaenderspiele der Familienmitglieder Alt im Garten - A game of forfeits in th...

Nachmittag im Prater - An afternoon in the Prater,     
around 1881                                            
Canvas,47 x 60,2 cm                                    

Nachmittag im Prater - An afternoon in the Prater, around 1881...

Blinde Mutter - Blind mother,1914                      
Canvas,99,5 x 120,4 cm
#391602 2

Blinde Mutter - Blind mother,1914 Canvas,99,5 x 120,4 cm

Stillende Mutter - Nursing mother(Stephanie Gruenwald) 
Watercolor and black crayon, 46 x 29,7 cm

Stillende Mutter - Nursing mother(Stephanie Gruenwald) 1917...

Die Heimkehr des Landwehrmannes - The return of the    
militia man,1820                                       
Canvas,280 x 360 cm                                    
#391603 9

Die Heimkehr des Landwehrmannes - The return of the militia man,1820...

Der Augenarzt - The ophtalmologist, 1837                    
Canvas,94 x 125 cm                                     

Der Augenarzt - The ophtalmologist, 1837 Canvas,94 x 125 cm...

Doppelbildnis (Double Portrait) Zentralinspektor       
Heinrich Benesch und sein Sohn Otto -Chief Inspector   
Heinrich Benesch and His Son Otto] 1913.             
Canvas,121 x 131 cm
#391604 7

Doppelbildnis (Double Portrait) Zentralinspektor Heinrich Benesch und se...