177 photos
Pharaoh Sesostris III (1878-1840 BCE) in old age.      
Found in the temple at Medamud.
Black diorite,H:80 cm

Pharaoh Sesostris III (1878-1840 BCE) in old age. Found in the temple at...

An aged Mullah.
Opaque watercolour and gold on paper
India or Pakistan; ca. 1615
Artist: Farrukh Beg, born ca. 1545 - died active
38.6 cm x 25.1 cm (page), 16.8 cm x 11.1 cm (picture only)
Museum Number: IM.10-1925

An aged Mullah. Opaque watercolour and gold on paper India or Pakistan; ca. 16...

Sculpture d'homme assis - Seated elderly  man.
MA 80

Sculpture d'homme assis - Seated elderly man. Marble MA 80

Buddha Sakyamuni as child with Confucius and Laozi.
Chinese painting on silk; 18th century.

Buddha Sakyamuni as child with Confucius and Laozi. Chinese painting on silk; 1...

Setting for Niccolò Paganini's ballet "Il Noce di Benevento". - "The Witches' Tree". Etching; 1780.

Setting for Niccolò Paganini's ballet "Il Noce di Benevento". - "The Witches' Tr...

Old woman, screaming hag, and caricature of a woman.   
Three terracotta heads (100-120 CE)                    
from Smyrna (Izmir), Turkey.                           
Heights 3.7 cm, 8.5 cm, 7.5 cm                         
CA 5768, CA 5530, CA 5555

Old woman, screaming hag, and caricature of a woman. Three terracotta heads (...

Bearded boxer and a lean and wrinkled old woman.       
Two terracotta heads (50-60 CE)                        
from Smyrna (Izmir), Turkey.                           
Heights 4.5 cm and 4.2 cm                              
CA 728 and CA 5767

Bearded boxer and a lean and wrinkled old woman. Two terracotta heads (50...

Old nurse sitting on a bench holding a baby            
in her lap. Terracotta figurine (last quarter          
4th BCE) from Tanagra, Boeotia, Greece.                
Height 13.5 cm                                         
MNB 1003

Old nurse sitting on a bench holding a baby in her lap. Terracotta f...

The "Sarcophagus of Mourning Women", a column-type     
sarcophagus, was found in the Phoenician royal necro-  
polis at Sidon. The triangular pediment of the lid     
shows two men mourning at the grave. Mid-4th BCE       
Pentelic marble, 179x265x138 cm     Inv.368 T

The "Sarcophagus of Mourning Women", a column-type sarcophagus, was found i...

Medea before Pelias. Jason has been deprived of his    
kingdom by Pelias;Jason's wife Medea takes revenge by  
talking Pelias'daughters into cutting their father up  
and boiling the body in a cauldron,as a rejuvenation.  
Red-figured pyxis, end 5th BCE.  Inv. CA 636

Medea before Pelias. Jason has been deprived of his kingdom by Pelias;Jason'...

Medea and the cauldron.Jason has been deprived of his  
inheritance by Pelias; his wife Medea takes revenge by 
talking Pelias'daughters into cutting their father up  
and boiling him in a cauldron,as a rejuvenation.See    
10-03-02/22. Red-figured pyxis (end 5th BCE) - Inv. 636

Medea and the cauldron.Jason has been deprived of his inheritance by Pelias; h...

Hunting hares: the old hunter.                         
Black-figured Attic lekythos,                          
around 500 BCE                                         
Inv. IV 194

Hunting hares: the old hunter. Black-figured Attic leky...