Ishtup-Ilum, Governor-Prince of Mari....
Ishtup-Ilum, Governor-Prince of Mari Basalt figure, Archaic D...
Ishtup-Ilum, Governor-Prince of Mari (en face) Basalt figure, Archaic D...
Ishtup-Ilum, Governor-Prince of Mari (3/4 profile) Basalt figure, Archaic D...
Water-Goddess with vase and water spouting from...
Water-Goddess with vase and water spouting from...
Water-Goddess with vase and water spouting from...
#080208 4
A round house, living area. Earthenware model (2900-...
#080208 5
Sacrifice of a ram. Frieze with mother of pearl inlay, ivory, red limest...
#080208 6
Procession of priests and women decorating a bench with...
#080208 7
Eagle with lion's head. Lapis lazuli, gold, copp...
#080208 8
Iku-Shamagan, King of Mari, praying. Staetite statuette (2650...