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48 photos
Hittite inscription. Hittite writing                   
was a hieroglyphic script which has                    
not yet been entirely deciphered.                      
Inv. 830

Hittite inscription. Hittite writing was a hieroglyphic scrip...

Procession of musicians, playing the lyre and          
cymbals. From the palace of the Aramean king           
Barrakib at Sinjirli (Samal,Syria).

Procession of musicians, playing the lyre and cymbals. From the palace...

Portal lion at the entrance of Hilani III, the palace  
of Aramaean king Barrekub at Sinjirli (Samal).         
Basalt, late Hittite.                                  
Inv. 7777

Portal lion at the entrance of Hilani III, the palace of Aramaean king Barreku...

Assyrian warriors with maces. Bas-relief               
on an orthostat showing different branches             
of the Assyrian army. Period of Tiglat Pileser III     
(744-727 BCE) from a doorway at Hadatu (Arslan Tash),  
Northern Syria.

Assyrian warriors with maces. Bas-relief on an orthostat showing...

Statue of a king or god standing on a throne           
supported by two lions and a goddess.                  
Late Hittite, from Sinjirli.                           
H: 162 cm

Statue of a king or god standing on a throne supported by two lions a...

Model of a building,                                   
from South Arabia.                                     
Stone relief                                           
Cat. 7534

Model of a building, from South Arabia....

Codex Hammurabi (1790 BCE), the first set of           
laws ever put into writing. From the original          
292 laws, only paragraphs 147-179 were generally       
used in law courts. Sumerian terracotta tablet         
14.5 x 10 x 13.3 cm
#080511 9

Codex Hammurabi (1790 BCE), the first set of laws ever put into writi...

Treaty concluded after the battle of Kadesh between    
Pharaoh Ramses II and the Hittite King Muvatallish.    
Battle of Kadesh 1282 BCE, treaty probably 1272 BCE.   
Fragment of a terracotta tablet in Akkadian language,  
the diplomatic language of the 13th BCE.

Treaty concluded after the battle of Kadesh between Pharaoh Ramses II and th...

Astrologicl calendar                                   
from Uruk, Mesopotamia.                                
Terracotta tablet

Astrologicl calendar from Uruk, Mesopotamia....

Emperor Diocletian (284-305 CE) with laurel wreath.    
Marble head.                                           
From Nicomedia.                                        
Roman, late 3rd                                        
Inv. 4864 T

Emperor Diocletian (284-305 CE) with laurel wreath. Marble head....

Municipal magistrate.                                  
Marble statue (ca. 410 CE)                             
from the Baths of Aphrodisias, Turkey.                 
Cat. 2266 K 507

Municipal magistrate. Marble statue (ca. 410 C...

Animals fighting. Circus scene.                        
Funeral relief in two registers                        
(2nd CE) from Malkara.                                 
Cat. E 1219 K 1066

Animals fighting. Circus scene. Funeral relief in two re...