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372 photos
Faience flask (probably used for perfume).

Faience flask (probably used for perfume).

Milk bowl, imported from Cyprus.                       
Found at the ancient cemetery near Akko

Milk bowl, imported from Cyprus. Found at the ancient cem...

Three "Pilgrim flasks".                                
From the cemetery at Deir el-Ballah

Three "Pilgrim flasks". From the cemetery at Dei...

Terracotta flask (1100 BCE).                           
Shape and painted decoration suggest a goatskin        

Terracotta flask (1100 BCE). Shape and painted decora...

Cypro-Phoenician vessels (900-700 BCE).                
This type of vessel was common in Canaan               
and Cyprus during the Iron Age.

Cypro-Phoenician vessels (900-700 BCE). This type of vessel was...

Jar. Painted terracotta                                
(around 1100 BCE)                                      
Late Bronze/Iron Age

Jar. Painted terracotta (around 1100 BCE)...

Ornamental wall bracket.                               
The exact use of these                                 
objects is not known.

Ornamental wall bracket. The exact use of these...

Strainer of a Philistine "Beer-Jug".

Strainer of a Philistine "Beer-Jug".

Jars, from Ein-Gedi. Terracotta                        
Late 7th BCE, end of Judaean Monarchy

Jars, from Ein-Gedi. Terracotta Late 7th BCE, end of Jud...

Basalt mortar with pestle for crushing grain,          
Vases for the production of perfume.                   
Around 600 BCE, end of the Judaean Monarchy

Basalt mortar with pestle for crushing grain, Vases for the production...

Two vases found in tombs.                              
Alabaster, Persian Period

Two vases found in tombs. Alabaster, Persian Perio...

Large bowl (probably for bathing feet).                
Terracotta (around 200 BCE)

Large bowl (probably for bathing feet). Terracotta (around 200 B...