A grape and a palm tree on the recto and verso of a bronze coin with Hebre...
A Grape and a jug on the recto and verso of a silver coin with Hebrew...
A jug with a symbolic plant and a temple on the recto and verso of a silver co...
A lyre and Hebrew inscription on a bronze coin issued by Simon Bar Koch...
#080512 9
Male head, found in a sanctuary at Ashdod, Israel....
A menorah, the seven-armed chandelier used during the Hanukkah Festival, cele...
#080513 1
Clay figurines of two men and a woman. Neolithic period, 7.500-...
#080513 3
Ram, limestone.
#080513 4
Zoomorphic vessels in the shape of a dove and another bird....
#080513 5
Two kohl (eye make-up) tubes made of limestone, flanked by two monkeys,...
#080513 7
Three vessels, one glazed, two painted. Middle Bronze, 19th-17th
#080513 8
Decorated fragment of a large vase with ostriches and gazel...