Alabaster vase with handle in the shape of a monkey, 19th-17th BCE. Many vess...
Alabaster vase with handles ending in ibis-heads. From Beth-Shean. Many ve...
Two alabaster bowls found in an anthropoid sarcophagus in Gaza, Israel. 13th BC...
Reshef, the Canaanite god of the underworld and of plagues on a thro...
Female statue, holding a round object like a tamburine against her breast. From...
Tall silver vase with leaf-ornament.
Ever since the Canaanite period, certain gifts, for instance for the ina...
Silver coin with lyre and Hebrew inscription issued by Simon Bar Koch...
A silver tetadrachma minted in 134 CE, the third year of the Bar-Kochba revolt...
Artemis Ephesia. Marble statue, torso (1st BCE). The "breasts" are bulls' testic...
Satyr playing with a panther. Marble statue, copy of a Hellenistic or...
A Jewish funeral. Canvas