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372 photos
Anthropomorphic figurines with                         
eyes and mouth indicated.                              
From Shaar Hagolan, Jordan Valley.                     
Clay. Neolithic, (6th millennium BCE)
#080502 7

Anthropomorphic figurines with eyes and mouth indicate...

Human figurine                                         
found in a cave of Mount Carmel.                       
Stone. Neolithic (7500-6500 BCE)
#080502 8

Human figurine found in a cave of Moun...

Woman carrying a churn on her head                     
and a ram with cornets on its back.                    
From Gilat in the Negev.                               
Pottery figurines, Chalcolithic Period

Woman carrying a churn on her head and a ram with cornets o...

Skeleton of a child found under                        
the floor of a house in Jericho                        
(4th millennium BCE)

Skeleton of a child found under the floor of a house in...

Human head, eyes filled with shells,                   
from Jericho                                           
Clay. Neolithic (end 7th millennium BCE)

Human head, eyes filled with shells, from Jericho...

Clay model of a liver (fragment)                       
inscribed with magic formulae                          
used in devination.                                    
From Hazor

Clay model of a liver (fragment) inscribed with magic for...

Jar shaped like a human head,                          
from Jericho                                           
Terracotta (19th-18th BCE)                             
Middle Bronze Age

Jar shaped like a human head, from Jericho...

Jar shaped like a human head (semi-profile             
of 08-05-02/17). From Jericho                          
Terracotta (19th-18th BCE)                             
Middle Bronze Age

Jar shaped like a human head (semi-profile of 08-05-02/17). From Je...

Face of a Canaanite man                                
(fragment) from Beth Shan                              
Painting on a jar (about 1300 BCE)

Face of a Canaanite man (fragment) from Beth Sha...

Bearded Canaanite.                                     
Painting on a jar (fragment)                           
ca. 1600-1200 BCE                                      
Inv. 1000

Bearded Canaanite. Painting on a jar (fragm...

Philistine goddess shaped                              
like a four-legged chair.                              
From Ashdod                                            
Clay figurine

Philistine goddess shaped like a four-legged chair...

Diorite bust of a woman.                               
Fragment of an Egyptian statue                         
from Megiddo (19th-17th BCE)                           
Middle Bronze Age

Diorite bust of a woman. Fragment of an Egyptian...