A Hungarian nobleman accompanied by a student of the Academy for sons of the...
A young farm boy in town; a page-boy with a letter and a lackey of the Imperial...
A Vienna coffeehouse at the beginning of the 19th. Patrons play chess, read...
Street musicians in Vienna, early 19th. Watercolour by Lanzedelli. Inv. 51.060
Franz Grillparzer (1791-1872), most famous Austrian dramatist. His plays, an...
Actress Sophie Schroeder as the Medea,from Grillp...
Costume design for Medea, heroine of one of Franz...
The popular poet Friedrich Kaiser reading out the Constitution on March 15...
A group of armed railway workers, led by a student of the Academic League, on...
Guard room of the Academic league in the hall of Vienna's Old University...
The big barricade on Michaeler Square, summer 1848, built right under the wi...
A day-labourers' uprising is broken up by the National Guard in the Vienna Prat...