Three Besomim boxes - silver, with little flags. Left to right: 18th, H: 28.5 c...
Four Besomim boxes - silver, with little flags. Inv. 247, 212, 211, 219
Besomim box (around 1900) - silver, with a little flag. Art-Deco From Czechosl...
Two Tefillim boxes (prayer cords) - silver Left: with lion, 1820 fr...
Collapsible candle stick (around 1820) - silver, with leather container...
Two pairs of candlesticks - silver Center: 1840-1845, from...
Pair of candlesticks for travelling (around 1820) Silver, from Vienna...
Belt buckle - 2nd half 18th, - silver, showing a stag pursued b...
Yom-Kippur belt - silver Inv. 845
Belt buckle (around 1800) - silver Inv. 706
Belt buckle, 1826 - silver Sacrificial animals...
Cup for offerings, 1806 - silver From Transsylvania...