Fragment of a stained glass-window: Mary Virgin with child Made for the royal c...
Tapestry of Deborah: Deborah bringing back justice First half of the 17th centu...
Tapestry of Deborah: Jahel killing Sisarah First half of the 17th century; Flor...
Parade shield: The rape of Helen, after Giulio Romano, around 1550. Circular,...
Parade shield: A naval battle, after Giulio Romano, around 1550. Circular, can...
Parade shield after Giovanni Stradanus: Entry of Cosimo I. de Medici, Grandduke...
Royal manufacture of Sevres porcelain Pair of vases "Clodion" de Monsieur Cart...
Royal manufacture of Sevres porcelain Pair of vases "Clodion" de Monsieur Cart...
Royal manufacture of Sevres porcelain Pair of vases "Clodion" de Monsieur (det...
Royal manufacture of Sevres porcelain Pair of vases "Clodion" de Monsieur (det...
The miracle of Saint Quentin:a thief steals the horse from a priest's stable....
The miracle of Saint Quentin:The priest complains to the provost and the t...