Francois I,King of France. Medallion,bronze,obvers...
Saint Jerome and the lion. Bronze with black patina...
Marche d'autel du Chateau de La Bastie d'Urfe. Detail. Rouen,1557....
Venus and Cupid. Limoges,1555 Enamel,1...
Esther before Ahasver. Faience plate, Limoges,...
Penitent Saint Mary Magdalen. 1635 Faience plate, last quar...
Oval dish decorated with "rustic figulines",a serpent, salamanders,fish and a...
Faience plate:the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon. Limoges, early 17th 38,30 x 5...
Faience plate:the virtuous and the foolish virgins. Limoges,late 16th,early 17t...
Faience plate,decorated with grotesque ornaments. Paris,around 1580....
Faience plate,showing a river-goddess.
The three Magi. Bronze with brown patin...