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29 photos
The wild boar of Calydon. Battle                       
of the giants against the gods.                        
Relief from the Siphnian treasury                      
(525 BCE).

The wild boar of Calydon. Battle of the giants against th...

A human figure upholding a censer.                     
Bronzework (6th-1st BCE)                               
from the sanctuary of Apollo,                          
Delphi, Greece                                         
Overall height 34 cm, censer 16 cm

A human figure upholding a censer. Bronzework (6th-1st BCE)...

Golden wreath.                                         
(7th BCE)

Golden wreath. (7th BCE)

Golden head dress and 2 buttons                        
from a ceremonial robe (7th BCE).

Golden head dress and 2 buttons from a ceremonial robe (...

Golden button from a ceremonial robe (7th BCE).

Golden button from a ceremonial robe (7th BCE).

Golden ornamental plate (7th BCE)                      
with animal decor, horses and rams.

Golden ornamental plate (7th BCE) with animal decor, horse...

Golden ornamental plate (7th BCE)                      
with animal decor, griffins and stags.

Golden ornamental plate (7th BCE) with animal decor, griff...

Golden ornamental plate with a griffin (7th BCE).

Golden ornamental plate with a griffin (7th BCE).

Silver bull (7th BCE).

Silver bull (7th BCE).

Thymiaterion, incense- or perfume burner.              
Bronze (around 450 BCE)

Thymiaterion, incense- or perfume burner. Bronze (around 450 BCE)

Hephaistos and his bellows.                            
Freeze (6th BCE) from the Treasure                     
of the Siphnians, Delphi, Greece.

Hephaistos and his bellows. Freeze (6th BCE) from th...

The Syphnian Sphinx.                                   
Pentelic marble (5th BCE)                              
from the Syphnian temple in Delphi.                    

The Syphnian Sphinx. Pentelic marble (5th BCE...