Cauldron-support (holmos), Etrusco-geometrical design, dark brown with black pa...
On the occasion of the Peacetreaty of Nijmegen, 1678, King Louis XIV (center)...
Cardinal Andre-Hercule de Fleury (1653-1743), chief minister of king Louis X...
Jakob II Fugger,called "The Rich" (1459-1525), merchant and moneylender...
Study of a male figure. Paper,black and white ch...
Study of a male figure. Paper,black and white ch...
The story of Lucretia. Pen, black ink, grey wash on paper,21.3 x 31.2 cm Persp...
Fruehlingsabend - Evening in spring,1879 God Pan playing the Pan'...
Kentaur in der Dorfschmiede - Centaur at the village smithy,1888...
Crucifixion. Centrepiece of a triptyc...
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John the Baptist preaching. Oil on wood...
Crucifixion. Oil on wood...