Two zoomorphic vases, or vases in form of a waterskin. 1000-800 BCE
Philistine clay-bottle decorated with red and black geometric desi...
Fragment of a spinning bowl or spinning frame, used to twist and wind y...
Upper part pf a bowl, on the rim two pomegranates, the head of a horse and...
Alabaster vase with handle in the shape of a monkey, 19th-17th BCE. Many vess...
Alabaster vase with handles ending in ibis-heads. From Beth-Shean. Many ve...
Two alabaster bowls found in an anthropoid sarcophagus in Gaza, Israel. 13th BC...
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Musician playing the double flute (Aulos). Idol from Keros (2000 BC...
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Musician playing the harp. Idol from Keros (2000 BC...
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Bowl with pouring spout,from Heraia,Arcadia.Cycladic style....
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Bowl with pouring spout,from Heraia,Arcadia.Cycladic style....
Banqueter, perhaps a God on a throne, a chalice in the right hand, left hand ra...