Oedipus sacrificing to the Delphic Oracle in front of a statue of...
Child Oedipus abandoned on Mount Cithaeron by the shepherd....
A thoughtful Oedipus worrying about his origin. Marble relief (3rd CE)...
King Oedipus questioning the old shepherd about his past....
Oedipus and the Sphynx. Marble relief (3rd CE)...
Oedipus kills his father Laertes, chariot, fleeing servant...
Charon in a boat, ferrying souls across the Styx. Marble relief (3rd CE)...
Agamemnon's ghost with Orestes and Pylades. Marble relief (3rd CE)...
Orestes killing Clytaemnestra. Marble relief (3rd CE)...
Orestes with a sword killing Clytaemnestra. Detail of 10-02-02/62....
Erinies with snakes in their hands. Marble relief (3rd CE)...
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Emperor Augustus in armour. Marble figure from the P...