The Battle of Friedland,June 14,1807,second campaign against Russia.
The Battle of Waterloo,June 18,1815. Coloured Epinal-print fr...
Caricature of Napoleon I,on his face the victims of the Russian campaign....
Mecia de Villadeste,map from a Catalonian atlas,1413.
Atlas of the World,after Ptolemy,Ulm edition. German engravings,1486....
Atlas of the World,after Ptolemy,Ulm edition. German engravings,1486.P...
View of Naples Watercolour, 1860
Napoleon I,Emperor. Coloured lithograph, 59,3 x 46 cm
La grande loge,lithograph in pencil,in brush,with crachis infive colours, 1896-9...
Poster for the "Etoile du Nord" (North star) Pullman train Paris-Brussels-Ams...
Poster for the Chemin de fer du Nord,1929. By Cassandre (Adolph Mou...
Poster for the British railroad, 1934. By Cassandre (Adolph Mou...