The injured mason, cartoon for a tapestry,1786-1788. Canvas,268 x 110 cm...
Beggarwoman, 1808-1814 Paper and charcoal.
Christ crucified, 1780 Canvas,255 x 154 cm...
Don Jose Alvarez de Toledo y Gonzaga, Marques de Villafranca y Duque de Alba, pa...
The Duke and the Duchess of Osuna with their children, 1788.The Duke was a patr...
The Marquise of Santa Cruz,daughter of the dukes of Osuna (1784-1851)....
Carlos III (1716-1788)in hunting costume.Duke of Parma, King of the two Sicilies...
General Urrutia (1739-1809) Canvas,199 x 133 cm...
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Philipp II of Spain (1527-1598). Wood, 41 x 31 cm
Ferdinand VI (1713-1759)as a child;son of Philipp V and his first wife, Mari...
Dona Barbara de Braganza (1711-1758),as bride of King Ferdinand VI of Spain. Can...
Dona Barbara de Braganza (1711-1758),wife of King Ferdinand VI of Spain....