Adam and Eve, painted around 1570. Canvas,240 x 186 cm...
Jesus and the Centurion. Canvas,192 x 297 cm...
David victorious over Goliath,1600 Canvas,110 x 91 cm...
Venus,Adonis and Cupid,1595. Canvas,212 x 268 cm...
Lot and his daughters. Canvas,123 x 120 cm...
Nativity. Canvas,134 x 105 cm...
The animals enter Noah's Ark. Canvas,207 x 265 cm...
The Israelites drink the water which springs miraculously from the ro...
Mary Magdalen penitent, 1583. Canvas,122 x 105 cm...
Judith and Holofernes. Canvas,188 x 251 cm...
Salome receives the head of Saint John Baptist. Canvas, 62 x 78 cm Cat 243
Sisyphos.During her stay in Augsburg 1547-1548, Queen Maria of Hungary,s...