Orpheus mosaic,Orpheus plays to the animals.
Ulysses leaves Circe and sails past the Sirenes. Mosaic (3rd CE) from the pavem...
Ulysses and the Sirens: the Greek hero Ulysses, sailing by the rock of the Siren...
Gilded bronze cuirass. Phoenician; from Ksour-es-Saf, Tunisia; 3rd century CE.
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Virgil and two muses. Mosaic (early 3rd CE) from Hadrumetum (Sousse)...
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Fancy dress banquet. Mosaic (200-220 CE) from El Jem (Thysdrus),...
Dionysian procession. Mosaic (mid 3rd CE) from El Jem (Thysdrus),...
Unloading a boat. Mosaic from an underground tomb at Hadrumetum (Sousse),...
Ulysses and the Sirens. Mosaic (3rd CE) from the pavement of the impluvium at t...
Still-life with bottle and goblet. Mosaic, detail from the pavement...
Five dead thrushes strung on a cord. Detail of the mosaic pavement i...
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Mother Goddess. Yellowish terracotta (4th BCE), probably Phoenician impo...