Woman's head, perhaps the Goddess Juno. Marble
Scenes of a Dionysiac Thiasos. Marble sarcopohagus from...
God Pan dancing. Detail of the marble sarcophagu...
Centaur. Detail of a relief with scenes of a Dionysiac thiasos on a marble sarc...
Dionysiac scenes on the marble sarcophagus from the sep...
The Adoration of the Three Magi. Relief (3rd CE) on the lid of an early C...
Moses makes a source spring from the rock. Relief (3rd CE) on an ea...
Saint Peter taken prisoner. Relief (3rd CE) on an early Christian sa...
The Multiplication of Loaves. Relief (3rd CE) on an early Chr...
Wedding at Cana. Relief (3rd CE) on an early Christian sa...
Christ heals the paralytic. Relief (3rd CE) on an early Chr...
Christ heals a blind man. Relief (3rd CE) on an early Chr...