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74 photos
Governor Cyrenus, a guard and the officials reading    
the roll call for the general census.                  
Detail of 15-03-08/4
#150308 5

Governor Cyrenus, a guard and the officials reading the roll call for the ge...

At Easter, Jesus goes to Jerusalem with his mother     
and John the Baptist. Right: walls and houses of       
#150308 6

At Easter, Jesus goes to Jerusalem with his mother and John the Baptist. Ri...

Nativity. Saint Mary asleep; a ray of light falls      
from heaven onto the child; angels and shepherds.      
Foreground left: washing the child; right: St.Joseph.  
#150308 7

Nativity. Saint Mary asleep; a ray of light falls from heaven onto the chi...

Saint Mary asleep, angels and a light from heaven      
on the newborn. Detail of 15-03-08/7                   
#150308 8

Saint Mary asleep, angels and a light from heaven on the newborn. Detail o...

The return from Egypt to Nazareth. Joseph carries the  
infant Jesus on his shoulders, Mary follows, a youth   
leads the donkey.                                      
#150308 9

The return from Egypt to Nazareth. Joseph carries the infant Jesus on his shou...

The return from Egypt to Nazareth. Detail: the houses  
of Nazareth.                                           

The return from Egypt to Nazareth. Detail: the houses of Nazareth....

Jesus' baptism in the Jordan. Left: Saint John.        

Jesus' baptism in the Jordan. Left: Saint John. Exonarthex

Jesus in the desert,tempted by satan,who asks him      
to throw himself from the top of the temple,since      
God promised to send his angels to save him.           

Jesus in the desert,tempted by satan,who asks him to throw himself from th...

Jesus tempted by satan in the desert. In the right     
lower corner the kings of the apocalypse.              

Jesus tempted by satan in the desert. In the right lower corner the kings o...

The kings of the apocalypse. Detail of 15-03-08/13     

The kings of the apocalypse. Detail of 15-03-08/13 Exonarthex

Christ in the tympanon between Exonarthex and Narthex.

Christ in the tympanon between Exonarthex and Narthex.

Angel over the entrance door to Kariye Camii           
(Hora church).                                         

Angel over the entrance door to Kariye Camii (Hora church)....