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3 photos
Top of a censer, figure of a dignitary, probably ruler 
of Copan, Honduras. The elaborate headdress and the    
decorations worn over the mouth (a symbol of self-     
mortification) are typical of the Kings of Copan. Clay,
paint (7th), 105 cm.  From Copan, Structure XXXVII-4

Top of a censer, figure of a dignitary, probably ruler of Copan, Honduras. The...

Top of a censer from the same tomb site as 12-01-03/43.
One of 11 censer figures "watching" tomb XXXVII-4,     
perhaps representing ancestors. Wide turban-like       
headdress, earplugs, pectoral. Clay,paint (7th), 58 cm.
From Copan, Structure 26, in front of tomb XXXVII-4

Top of a censer from the same tomb site as 12-01-03/43. One of 11 censer figures...

Head of a prince, part of a more than life-size statue,
from the roof of the "Temple of Meditation", Copan.    
These "roof-figures" represent ancestors, placed at    
the highest level of the temple. Volcanic limestone    
(695-738 CE). Height 64 cm. Inv. CPN-244

Head of a prince, part of a more than life-size statue, from the roof of the "Te...