La Dame a l'anemone - Lady with windflower, 1894. Portrait of Helene Linde...
La Princess et la licorne -The princess with the unicorn, 1896....
La Princesse a la licorne - The princess with the unicorn, 1898....
Princesse d'automne - Autumn-princess,1898. Painted during Point's s...
Eros,1896 Pastel on paper, 98 x 49...
Psyche, 1898.Venus asks Psyche to bring a golden box to Proserpina,into which...
Parfum de mimosa - Smell of the mimosa. Portrait of Helene Linde...
Pandora. Wood,130 x 85 cm
Etude pour La Vague - Study for The Wave,1907 Pastel,crayon,chalk and...
Les Noces du poet et de la muse ou l'Ideal - The wedding of the poet...
L'Esperance relevant l'Amour blesse - Hope raises wounded love,1916...
Le Desespoir de la Chimere - the despair of the Chimera,1890....