Daily Life
Work, Leisure, Clothing and Textiles, Politics and Portraits, Furniture, Houshold, Funerals, Death, Murder, Family.
"Bikini girls" holding palm branches and discus. Detail of a mosaic in th...
"Bikini girls" holding palm branches and discus. Detail of a mosaic in th...
Lady with veil,mosaic from the Villa del Casale, Piazza Armerina,Sicily,I...
Two lovers,from the cubicle of erotic scenes, Villa del Casale,Piazza...
Tomb of Scipio Hispanus (Africanus Minor, 185-129 BCE) on the Via Appia Antiqua...
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Fragment of the "Hunting Palette", 3.300-3.100 BCE Grauwacke from Abydos, 4...
Book of the Dead of the scribe Nebqed,reign of Amenophis III (1391-1353 BCE), 1...
Model of a grain storage house,with scribe noting entries. Four men carryi...
Model of a farmer ploughing with two oxen, ca.2000-1900 BCE Wood...
Sarcophagi of Tamoutnefret,singer of Amun. 3rd intermediate period,21st dynasty...
Stele of the Serpent King, around 3000 BCE, 1st dynasty, Thinite pe...
Stele of the Serpent King, around 3000 BCE, 1st dynasty, Thinite pe...