
Landscapes, Seascapes, Cityscapes, etc.

4,251 photos
Treasure House of the Athenians, Delphi. Greek cities  
erected such treasure houses to store war spoils       
dedicated to the gods. The Treasure House of the       
Athenians contained spoils from the battle of Marathon 
(490-489 BCE). Marble. 6.90 x 10 m
#010101 2

Treasure House of the Athenians, Delphi. Greek cities erected such treasure ho...

Treasure House of the Athenians, Delphi. Greek cities  
erected such treasure houses to store war spoils       
dedicated to the gods. The Treasure House of the       
Athenians contained spoils from the battle of Marathon 
(490-489 BCE). Marble. 6.89 x 10 m
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Treasure House of the Athenians, Delphi. Greek cities erected such treasure ho...

View of Upper Delphi. Apollo Temple, Theatre,          
and the Treasure House of the Athenians.               
Temple: 4th BCE                                        
Theatre: 160 BCE                                       
Treasure House: 5th BCE
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View of Upper Delphi. Apollo Temple, Theatre, and the Treasure House o...

Athenian Stoa, Delphi. An open hall, supported by      
columns of Pentelic marble, with the Polygonal Wall    
in the rear. Spoils from the Athenians' naval battles  
were stored here. Pentelic marble (500 BCE)            
28 x 4 m
#010101 5

Athenian Stoa, Delphi. An open hall, supported by columns of Pentelic marb...

Athenian Stoa, Delphi. An open hall, supported by      
columns of Pentelic marble, with the Polygonal Wall    
in the rear. Spoils from the Athenians naval battles   
were stored here. Pentelic marble (500 BCE)            
28 x 4 m
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Athenian Stoa, Delphi. An open hall, supported by columns of Pentelic marb...

The Sacred Way, Delphi, leads through the Apollo       
Sanctuary, from the Treasure House of the Athenians    
past the Stoa and the Polygonal Wall, to the temple    
of Apollo.
#010101 7

The Sacred Way, Delphi, leads through the Apollo Sanctuary, from the Trea...

The Sacred Way, Delphi, leads through the Apollo       
Sanctuary, past the Treasure House of the Athenians    
past the Stoa and the Polygonal Wall, to the temple    
of Apollo.
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The Sacred Way, Delphi, leads through the Apollo Sanctuary, past the Trea...

Rock of the Sibyl on the Sacred Way. Here the Sibyl    
used to pronounce her prophecies, long before the      
worship of Apollo replaced this older cult.
#010101 9

Rock of the Sibyl on the Sacred Way. Here the Sibyl used to pronounce her pr...

Temple of Apollo, Delphi, erected on the site of       
older sanctuaries, of which the last, from 6th BCE,    
was destroyed by an earthquake in 373 BCE. The present 
building dates from 369-329 BCE. 44 cloumns each 11 m  
high. The Pythia prophesied here. 24.6 x 60 m

Temple of Apollo, Delphi, erected on the site of older sanctuaries, of wh...

Temple of Apollo, Delphi, erected on the site of older 
sanctuaries, of which the last, from the 6th BCE, was  
destroyed by an earthquake in 373 BCE. The present     
building dates from 369-329 BCE. The Pythia prophesied 
here. 24.6 x 60 m

Temple of Apollo, Delphi, erected on the site of older sanctuaries, of which th...

Temple of Apollo, Delphi, erected on the site of older 
sanctuaries, of which the last, from the 6th BCE, was  
destroyed by an earthquake in 373 BCE. The present     
building dates from 369-329 BCE. The Pythia prophesied 
here. 24.6 x 60 m

Temple of Apollo, Delphi, erected on the site of older sanctuaries, of which th...

Temple of Apollo, Delphi, seen from Pythia's cave,     
erected on the site of older sanctuaries, of which     
the last, from the 6th BCE, was destroyed by an        
earthquake in 373 BCE. The present building dates      
from 329 BCE. The Pythia prophesied here. 24.6 x 60 m

Temple of Apollo, Delphi, seen from Pythia's cave, erected on the site of o...