9 photos
Lady of Elche. Painted limestone bust; from L'Alcúdia, Spain; 4th century BCE....
#140305 3
The "Deer of Balazote".
#140305 7
A centurion's brooch from Hinojar del Rey.
#140305 8
Golden brooch from Turunuelo. 5,5 cm across.
#140305 9
Two gold pendants from Puente Gentil. L:10cm
Visigoth jewelry, brooch,fibula,necklace.
The crown of Guarrazar. H:3,2cm, 11,5 cm across.
Ivory crucifix of Ferdinand I and Dona Sancha.
Treasure of Guarrazar Votive crown of Visigoth King Recceswinth (649 - 672) Vi...