Cradle of Napoleon II, Duke of Reichstadt: a gift of the City of Paris to Napol...
Cradle of Napoleon II, Duke of Reichstadt. Frame: carved and gilt wood. Detail...
Cradle of Napoleon II, Duke of Reichstadt Angel, gilt wood carving (Detail of 3...
Potence of the Herald (chain of arms) of the Order of The Golden Fleece (after...
Fealty cross of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Burgundian, around 1430...
Burgundian Court Goblet (1425-1450) from the possessions of...
Saint Mary and Child between Saint Catherine and Saint John Baptist, det...
Throne of Mercy, Godfather holding the son on his knees Altar antependium from t...
Austrian Imperial Crown (1602), made for Rudolf II by the Imperial Court Wo...
Bouquet of precious stones, by Michael Grosser, A gift from Empress Maria There...
Golden baptismal jug and bowl, 1571, with baptismal robe, 1757. Inv. XIV 5,6...
Bezoar, goat's kidney stone supposed to have healing powers. Spanish, first h...