Perhaps a scene of jurisdiction. A man in the centre, possibly acc...
A weary warrior returns to camp and collapses from exhaustio...
Ritual dance. Frescos of Tassili N'Ajj...
Sitting women and returning hunter. Frescoes of Tassili N'Aj...
"The Iron Gate" on the Danube, some 20 km north of the prehistoric site of Lep...
Trapezoid mountain on the Romanian (northern) side of the Iron Gate of the Danu...
Treskavac, a trapezoid mountain on the Romanian (northern) side of the Iron Gate...
Treskovac, a trapezoid mountain on the Romanian (northern) side of the Iron Gate...
Head. From the sanctuary of house 44 at Lepenski Vir II, Yugoslavia. Rough-grain...
Sandstone figure "Adam" from house 28, "The Sanctuary below the Rocks" at Lepens...
"Danubius", fish-faced creator god. Sandstone head (6000-5500 BCE) from the sanc...
Fish-faced head of rough-grained sandstone (6000-5500 BCE) from Lepenski Vir I...