Sandstone figure,"The Ancestor", fish-like figure with arms, hands and collar-...
Fish-like head with ornaments "The Siren" (front view). Rough-grained sandstone...
Fish-like head with ornaments "The Siren" (sideview). Rough-grained sandstone...
#060102 1
Various flints and scrapers from Hungarian Palaeolothic sites.
#060102 2
Spearheads made of antlers. From Willendorf II,...
#060102 3
Blade-scraper, Willendorf II, stratum 5.
#060102 4
Stone age tool with sharpened edge from Willendorf II,...
#060102 5
Various scrapers from Willendorf II, stratum 4, Lower Austria...
#060102 6
Various scrapers and flints from Willendorf II,...
#060102 7
Flint from Willendorf II, stratum 4, Lower Austria...
#060102 8
Various scrapers from Willendorf II, stratum 5, Lower Austria...
#060102 9
Flint from Willendorf II, stratum 4, Lower Austria...