Moses, King David and a prophet (one of four elements of an altar from the abbey...
Coronation mantle of Norman King Roger II of Sicily, embroidery, silk and pearl...
Lion's head from the centerpiece of the coronation mantle of Norman King Ro...
Tree of Life and a lion killing a camel, detail of the centerpiece of the corona...
Kneeling figure of a prince or king, from the Eagle Dalmatica, worn for the...
Game of chess,so-called chess set of Saint Louis.15th-17th The rumour that this...
King David dictating the Bible. Ivory,from the Abbey of...
Adoration of the Magi, detail from a triptych, French. 2nd half 14th....
Le sceptre de Charles V of France -Scepter of King Charles V of France, surmount...
Tomb of the Black Prince (so named because of the colour of his armour): Edward...
Sundial for the miracle of Hezekiah,from "Postilles sur la Bible" by Nicolas...
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The war between Philip II of France and Henry II of England,siege of Chateau...