#320103 7
The death of King Cunmont. Vincent de Beauvais,"Le...
King Jean II Le Bon surrenders to the Black Prince after the Battle of Poit...
A battleship of Alfonso X,the Wise. From "Les Cantiques de S...
Two Arabs playing chess in a tent. Spanish,13th From: Alfonso the Wise,"...
Psalter of Ingeburg of Denmark,France,around 1210. MS 9/1695,fol.37 verso Initia...
Bible,France,13th.MS 21,fol.219 David and Goliath;King David playing the harp.
Psalter of Saint Louis,1253-1270. MS lat.10525,fol.6 Abraham presents booty and...
Breviary of Queen Jeanne d'Evreux,France,14th MS 51,vol.2,fol.53. King David pla...
Magnus Eriksson,Code of Law.Sweden,around 1450. Miniature showing a king...
#320105 1
Philippe III le Hardi (1245-1285),French King 1270-1285,captures the c...
Alexander the Great exploring the sea in a glass diving bell, around 1400-1425....
Sir Bedivere returns the sword Excalibur to the lake, around 1300-1325. A legen...