Cedars, pines, fruit trees etc.
La marchande de fruits et legumes - The greengrocer, 1630. Detail of 40-11-10/1...
La demeure d'un "labrador" (planteur de canne à sucre) au Brésil, dit auparavant...
L'Arbre aux corbeaux - The tree of crows. Tree with crows and a prehistoric tum...
Fabrique a la villa Farnese: les deux peupliers. Workshops on the grounds of th...
Jesus expelling the merchants from the Temple. Detail of woman carrying a baske...
Le concert champetre - An open-air concert. Detail. For overall view please see...
Apollo and Daphne. Apollo pursues the nymph Daphne, who prays for help and is t...
The Fall. Adam and Eve tempted by the snake. Diptych of the Fall and...
Grotesque dwarfs were a popular feature of baroque gardens. The earliest "d...
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Fruit market, 1590 Part of a series showing...
Venus and Amor in front of the Castle of Love, after 1603....
Winterlandscape, 1610. Wood, 36 x 47 cm...