Cedars, pines, fruit trees etc.
Wooded landscape, around 1600. Wood, 56 x 85 cm...
Orpheus among the animals, around 1615. Copper, 28 x 36 cm...
Paradise, in the background The Fall, 1628. Copper, 42 x 57 cm...
Le Paradis terrestre - Paradise on Earth, 1607-1608 Also called "The Earth",...
Le Moulin a eau - the watermill. Canvas, 80 x 66 cm...
The farmhouse, 1662 Canvas, 82 x 103 cm...
Pigeon-seller. Canvas, 36 x 26 cm...
L'Arbre aux corbeaux - The tree of crows. Tree with crows and a prehistoric tum...
Chasse aux canards - A duck hunt. Canvas, 104 x 147 cm...
Diane et ses nymphs allant a la chasse. Diana and her nymphs go...
Paysage anime avec ruine et pont. Landscape with people, r...
Paysage au soleil levant - Landscape with rising sun. Canvas, 122 x 103 cm...