
Cedars, pines, fruit trees etc.

891 photos
Trees, cacti, and plants in a religious painting       
of the vaulted tomb chamber of Sennedjem (No. 1),      
a necropolis official of the early Ramessid Period     
(18th Dynasty), in the cemetery of Deir el-Medina.
#080101 3

Trees, cacti, and plants in a religious painting of the vaulted tomb cham...

Workmen carrying vases. A pond with clay for           
brickmaking. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb      
of Rekhmere, vizier under the Pharaohs Thutmosis III   
and Amenophis II (18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE)         
in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Workmen carrying vases. A pond with clay for brickmaking. Detail of a...

Labourers felling trees. Detail of a                   
wallpainting in the tomb of Nakht, scribe              
and priest under Pharaoh Thutmosis IV                  
(18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE), in the cemetery         
of Sheikh Abd Abd al-Qurnah.

Labourers felling trees. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb...

A peasant drinks from a waterskin. Detail of           
a wallpainting in the tomb (wall A) of Nakht,          
scribe and priest under Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV           
(18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE), in the cemetery         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

A peasant drinks from a waterskin. Detail of a wallpainting in the to...

Olive branches, relief fragment. One of more than
1500 reliefs found near Hermopolis at the site of
Amarna, capital of Pharaoh Akhnaton and Queen
Nofretete. Around the middle of the 14th BCE, Akhnaton
introduced monotheist sun-worship. New Kingdom

Olive branches, relief fragment. One of more than 1500 reliefs found near Hermop...

The sacred lake, now a grove of palm trees, Hathor     
Temple, Dendera. The former brick walls of the temple  
precinct are now mounds of mud.

The sacred lake, now a grove of palm trees, Hathor Temple, Dendera. The for...

The Voyage to Punt: Village with palm trees, birds,    
and thatched African huts. Coloured limestone relief,  
temple of Queen Hatshepsut (Maat Ka-Re)(1495-1475 BCE),
south side of the west terrace, Deir el-Bahri.         
18th Dynasty (1554-1305 BCE), New Kingdom

The Voyage to Punt: Village with palm trees, birds, and thatched African hut...

The Voyage to Punt: Village with palm trees, birds,    
and thatched African huts. Coloured limestone relief,  
temple of Queen Hatshepsut (Maat Ka-Re)(1495-1475 BCE),
south side of the west terrace, Deir el-Bahri.         
18th Dynasty (1554-1305 BCE), New Kingdom

The Voyage to Punt: Village with palm trees, birds, and thatched African hut...

The Voyage to Punt: Potted incense trees as a gift,             
Limestone relief in the temple of Queen                
Hatshepsut (Maat Ka-Re) (1495-1475 BCE),               
south side of west terrace, Deir el-Bahri.             
18th Dynasty (1554-1305 BCE), New Kingdom

The Voyage to Punt: Potted incense trees as a gift, Limestone reli...

Arm holding an ankh and a palm leaf.                   
Relief from the Austrian dig of a                      
23rd Dynasty Late Period (9th-8th BCE)                 
tomb in Thebes, Egypt.

Arm holding an ankh and a palm leaf. Relief from the Austrian...

"Dog palette" with palm-tree, giraffes, and dogs.      
Oval slate with carved relief (36th-35th BCE),         
Pre-Dynastic Period, Egypt.                            
E 11 052
#080108 3

"Dog palette" with palm-tree, giraffes, and dogs. Oval slate with carved r...

Song of the sycamore. Papyrus.                         
Early 20th Dynasty (12th-11th BCE),                    
New Kingdom, Egypt.                                    
64.5 x 39 cm                                           
Drovetti Collection - Inv. 1879

Song of the sycamore. Papyrus. Early 20th Dynasty (12th...