
Cedars, pines, fruit trees etc.

891 photos
Tree-goddess Nut offers food and drink to the deceased.
The Book of the Dead by Censumose, a priest of Amun-Re.
Papyrus. 21st Dynasty (1080-960 BCE), 3rd Intermediate 
Period, Egypt.

Tree-goddess Nut offers food and drink to the deceased. The Book of the Dead by...

Tree-goddess offers vivifying waters to the deceased.  
Mural from the tomb of Kha, architect of Amenophis III 
(1403-1365 BCE), 18th Dynasty, Deir el-Medina, Egypt.

Tree-goddess offers vivifying waters to the deceased. Mural from the tomb of K...

Tree-goddess offers food and drink. Detail             
from a relief fragment of the tomb of Sekeh,           
mayor of Memphis (about 1380 BCE),                     
18th Dynasty, New Kingdom, Egypt.                      
Inv. 5818

Tree-goddess offers food and drink. Detail from a relief fragment o...

The Goddess of the sycamore tree offers water to       
the dead Kamose who offers to Osiris, Horus, Isis, and 
Hathor. Upper register of Kamose's stele. Limestone    
(around 1200 BCE), 20th Dynasty, New Kingdom, Egypt.   
Inv. 7291

The Goddess of the sycamore tree offers water to the dead Kamose who offe...

The dead Sennedjem and his wife are clad in white linen
wearing cones of funeral ointment on their heads. They 
receive water for cleansing, bread, and lotus flowers  
from Isis, who appears in the holy sycamore tree.      
Workmen's Tombs (13th BCE), Deir el-Medina, Egypt.

The dead Sennedjem and his wife are clad in white linen wearing cones of funeral...

Kenro and his wife in their garden.                    
Thebes, tomb of Neferronpe, also called Kenro,No.178   
Period of Ramses II (1291-1225 BCE)                    
Ancient Egyptian Paintings selected,copied & descibed  
by Nina M.Davies; plate XCIV

Kenro and his wife in their garden. Thebes, tomb of Neferron...

The sun-boat or funeral-boat of Pharaoh Cheops.The 1224
individual parts of the boat were discovered in 1954   
in a deep ditch next to the Cheops pyramid. Such boats 
were used in the ritual voyage of the dead Pharaoh     
along the Nile. Cedar wood, L:46 m

The sun-boat or funeral-boat of Pharaoh Cheops.The 1224 individual parts of the...

The sacred lake, now a grove of palm trees, Hathor     
Temple, Dendera. The former brick walls of the temple  
precinct are now mounds of mud.

The sacred lake, now a grove of palm trees, Hathor Temple, Dendera. The for...

Rampant ram with blossoming bush (tree of life?).      
Golden figure on wooden core, with lapis lazuli,       
shells, and red limestone (25th BCE),                  
from the Great Death-pit at Ur                         
WA 122200
#080201 1

Rampant ram with blossoming bush (tree of life?). Golden figure on wooden...

Tree of life with two rampant rams.                    
Relief, early Sumerian (25th BCE),from the Death-Pit   
at Ur,Mesopotamia.                                     
WA 122200
#080201 5

Tree of life with two rampant rams. Relief, early Sumerian (...

A bearded man holding a palm-tree.                     
Ivory figure (20th-16th BCE)                           
25.5 x 10.3 cm                                         
Nr. 61882

A bearded man holding a palm-tree. Ivory figure (20th-16th...

Men carrying cedar wood for palace construction.       
Bas-relief from the palace of King Sargon II at        
Khorsabad, Mesopotamia (Iraq). Detail                  
Total height: 197 cm - total length: 245 cm            
AO 19891

Men carrying cedar wood for palace construction. Bas-relief from the pala...