#100109 9
Departure of a couple in a chariot, a wedding procession, three women...
Fragment of a red-figured nuptial vase. Scene from the ladies' b...
Scene in the ladies' bower. Black-figured epinetron....
Wedding preparations. Red-figured, nuptial vas...
Wedding preparations. Red-figured nuptial vase...
Wedding scene - perhaps the wedding of Peleus and Thetis....
Clasp of two hands, symbol of marriage. Bas-relief on a stele fr...
Two elegant ladies at the procurer. Wallpainting from Pompei...
#110105 8
Relief of a married couple. held by two amoretti with a cor...
The Emperor's Hall "Kaisersaal", Wuerzburg Residence. The ceiling fresco shows...
Wedding ceremony of Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa and Beatrix of Burgundy, his...
Wedding ceremony of Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa and Beatrix of Burgundy in 1...