Fish with cross, from the Coptic cemetery at Ermant, Egypt.Limestone...
Volubilis became a Roman city when Emperor Caligula annexed Mauretania in 40...
Fishmonger weighing fish in a net. Relief on a Roman stele...
Fisherman with net full of fish. Relief on a funerary ste...
Silver clasp shaped like a dolphin. Size 4.4 cm...
Marine fauna, fish, Casa del Fauno, Pompeii VI 12,2 Polychrome mosaic (1st CE) I...
Still-life with fish. Fresco (1st CE) from Pom...
Still-life with birds, fish, and octopus. Fresco (1st CE) from Pom...
Fish escaping from a basket. Mosaic pavement, fragment in a house near...
Fish. Mosaic (1st half 2nd CE) from Ostia, Italy.
Cat clawing a turkey-cock,ducks,birds and seashells Upper section: cat and b...
Submarine fauna. Mosaic (1st CE) from Pompeii, Italy.