Aquatic animals. Part of a mosaic band (1st CE) from Pompeii, I...
Aquatic and other animals. Left section of a mosaic...
Stags and ostriches are brought aboard a ship. Detail of the Big Game H...
An elephant is lead aboard a ship. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mo...
A bison is captured. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic in the ambulatory...
A rhinoceros is captured. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic (3rd-4th VE) in t...
Lion hunt, hunters with shields. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mo...
Inscription on the sarcophagus for Livia Primitiva, decorated with an engrav...
#150103 4
Distribution of the loaves of bread. Detail of "The Miracle o...
#150103 6
"The Multiplication of bread and fish". Detail of 15-01-03/4 fro...
An armed diver under water. From "Four Books of Knig...
#150205 8
Antiphonary in note 6 (K),a book which contains the chants to be sung by the...