1,278 photos
Saint Peter freed by an angel,1639                     
Canvas,177 x 232 cm                                    

Saint Peter freed by an angel,1639 Canvas,177 x 232 cm...

The Adoration of the Sheperds.Painted during El Greco's
last period,between 1603-1613, and intended for his    
own burial chapel.                                     
Canvas,319 x 180 cm      Cat.2988

The Adoration of the Sheperds.Painted during El Greco's last period,between 160...

The Annunciation, 1570-1573.                           
Canvas,315 x 176 cm     Cat.3888

The Annunciation, 1570-1573. Canvas,315 x 176 cm...

The Trinity,1577-1579.The first work El Greco painted  
in Toledo for the convent church of Santo Domingo      
el Antiguo.                                            
Canvas,300 x 179 cm      Cat.824

The Trinity,1577-1579.The first work El Greco painted in Toledo for the conven...

The Annunciation, 1638/39                              

The Annunciation, 1638/39 Canvas

Francisco de Zurbaran

L'Adoration des bergers - Adoration of the shepherds
painting, Baroque

Francisco de Zurbaran L'Adoration des bergers - Adoration of the shepherds...

The Coronation of the Virgin,painted around 1641 for   
the Queen's Oratory.                                   
Canvas,176 x 124 cm                                    
#400607 1

The Coronation of the Virgin,painted around 1641 for the Queen's Oratory....

The dead Christ supported by an angel.                 
Canvas,137 x 100 cm                                    
#400607 2

The dead Christ supported by an angel. Canvas,137 x 100 cm...

The triumph of Saint Augustine.At bottom right         
a dragon and the statue of a heathen god.              
Canvas,271 x 203 cm                                    

The triumph of Saint Augustine.At bottom right a dragon and the statue...

Virgin and Child surrounded by angels. Center panel    
of an altar painted for the cathedral of Burgo de Osma.
Wood, 170 x 91 cm                                      

Virgin and Child surrounded by angels. Center panel of an altar painted for...

Jupiter and Io.                                        
Canvas,63,5 x 88 cm                                    

Jupiter and Io. Canvas,63,5 x 88 cm...

Adoration of the shepherds.                            
Canvas,99 x 135 cm                                     

Adoration of the shepherds. Canvas,99 x 135 cm...