1,278 photos
The sacrifice of Isaac.
Copper,44,5 x 35,5 cm

The sacrifice of Isaac. Copper,44,5 x 35,5 cm Inv.392

The finding of the Holy Cross.According to Saint       
Ambrose,Bishop of Milan,Empress Helena,mother of       
Emperor Constantin,found the cross during a pilgrimage 
to the Holy Land.                                      
Canvas, 113,5 x 73 cm     Inv.323

The finding of the Holy Cross.According to Saint Ambrose,Bishop of Milan,...

The Holy Trinity.                                      
Canvas,103 x 78 cm                                     

The Holy Trinity. Canvas,103 x 78 cm...

Old Tobit healed.                                      
Canvas, 73,5 x 91 cm                                   

Old Tobit healed. Canvas, 73,5 x 91 cm...

Virgin Mary and child.                                 
Canvas,107,5 x 80,5 cm                                 

Virgin Mary and child. Canvas,107,5 x 80,5 cm...

The release of the apostle Peter from prison.          
Canvas, 159 x 118,5 cm                                 

The release of the apostle Peter from prison. Canvas, 159 x 118,5 cm...

The annunciation to the shepherds. Ceiling fresco,     
Church of San Isidoro, Leon, Spain. 13th century
#400608 3

The annunciation to the shepherds. Ceiling fresco, Church of San Isidoro, L...

The Last Judgement. Saint Michael weighs the souls.    
From the church Santa Maria de Tauell.
#400608 5

The Last Judgement. Saint Michael weighs the souls. From the church Santa Ma...

The martyrdom of Saint Mauritius, 1580-1582            
Canvas, 448 x 301 cm

The martyrdom of Saint Mauritius, 1580-1582 Canvas, 448 x 301 cm

The Annunciation, 1577-1580                            
Canvas, 315 x 176 cm                                   

The Annunciation, 1577-1580 Canvas, 315 x 176 cm...

The dream of the knight, 1655.
Canvas,172 x 217 cm

The dream of the knight, 1655. Canvas,172 x 217 cm

Saint Anthony of Padua and the Infant Jesus.           

Saint Anthony of Padua and the Infant Jesus. Canvas