Old Testament,New Testament,Saints,Life of Jesus Christ,Mary, Mother of Christ,Mary Magdalen,Passion,Apocalypse, Last Judgement, Heaven and HellAngels
Assyrian archers during the siege of Lachish, Israel. Stone bas-relief (7th BC...
"Sit Shamsi", the ceremony of sunrise. Bronze model of a high place, dedica...
Julia Soaemias,Syrian princess and mother of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius...
Gold-plated young bull represents the animal form of the warrior god Reshe...
Jar which contained some of the Dead Sea-scrolls. From Qumran,Israel....
Semitic inscription on the top of a foundation nail. Period of the Amorite Ki...
Island of Arvad (today Tyre), top center, on the Lebanese coast. Cedar wo...
Island of Arvad (today Tyre), top right, on the Lebanese coast. Cedar wo...
Transport of cedar wood for the construction of a palace. Bas-relief from...
Statue of King Yerah'Azar "son of Zakir, son of Sanipu" Sanipu is the king of t...
Statue of a king of Ammun,showing Egyptian and Persian influence. Basalt, Iron...
Male head from Petra. Parthian influence in the Phrygian cap,the four ro...