Witches, golems, vampires, demons and more horrible creatures.
The Head of Medusa. Oil on canvas (around 16...
"Dulle Griet", a Dutch legendary witch, half dangerous, half funny. In this pain...
Charon crossing the Styx.Paradise to the left, with two angels,to the right hell...
Der Liebeszauber (Love potion). A naked girl draws sparks from a flint and...
The Miracle of Saint Ignatius Loyola. Detail of 40-04-01/31....
Ulysses deriding Polyphem. Ulysses flees with his companions, while Polyph...
A nightmare leaves the bed of two girls. Oil on canvas (1783)...
The three witches. Oil on canvas (1783)...
Poet and chimera Gouache on paper (1916)...
Chimera Oil on canvas (1910)...
Witches' Sabbath (Aquellare). Witches gather around a he-goat in Monk's atti...
Vulcan's forge. Apollo tells Vulcan of the adultery of Vulcan's wife Venus.T...