Witches, golems, vampires, demons and more horrible creatures.
(School of)The witch of Endor.On the eve of King Saul's fatal defeat by t...
Job tormented by the demons. Canvas
Ulysses and Polyphemos, from the Ulysses Cycle....
Ulysses and Circe, from the Ulysses Cycle....
Scylla and Charybdis, from the Ulysses Cycle....
#400705 7
The Desecration of the Host. From a series of six pai...
Galathea and Polyphemos. Oil on poplar wood (abou...
Pasiphae hides in the artificial cow built by Daedalus (She becomes the mother...
Filippino Lippi (self-portrait, far right): Disputation between Saint Peter, Sai...
L'ombre de Samuel apparaissant a Saul chez la Pythonisse d'End...
Hercules kills the Hydra of Lerna (a water snake), 1620-1621. Painted for D...
Rinaldo under the spell of Armida.From Torquato Tasso's "Gerusalemme Liberata"....