Winged sphinx in a lotus thicket. Ivory (open work)...
Winged sphinx with Egyptian crown. Ivory (open-work) from Arslan Tash, the an...
Two winged genii, in the center Horus on the lotus. Carved ivory plaque with...
Lions and sphinxes in high-relief. Ivory box carved from on...
Winged genii (probably Isis and Nephtys) kneeling on either side of a djed...
Kneeling falcon-headed god with small seated Maat: Left half of an ivory pl...
Seal showing winged animal with crown and Hebrew inscrip...
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Earrings with stylized head of a horned animal on the lower part of the...
Red jasper seal with winged uraeus (snake), from Jerusalem, Israel....
Two winged lions with human heads, 5 lines of of Himjarite inscription...
Sphinx carrying an incense burner, limestone. From a tomb in Marion, C...
A god with torque, holding two mythological animals. Gundestrup Cauldron, ou...