A god with torque, holding two mythological animals. Gundestrup Cauldron, ou...
Warriors on the march. four soldiers blow carnyx horns, a celtic war trumpet....
Men with swords fighting three unicorns. Gundestrup Cauldron, inn...
#100101 3
Gorgo, monster. Relief (600 BCE) from th...
#100101 4
Chrysaor, son of Gorgo. Relief from the tympanum...
#100101 9
The Naxian Sphinx Marble statue (5th BCE)
Goddess Artemis fighting a giant. Battle of the giants aga...
The wild boar of Calydon. Battle of the giants against th...
Scylla, seamonster. Terracotta relief (5th B...
Sphinx. Stone statue (1st BCE).
Nereid riding on a seahorse (pistricis). Marble (1st BCE), one of...
A lion head - Gargoyle. Marble fragment (late Cl...