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698 photos
A god with torque, holding two mythological animals.   
Gundestrup Cauldron, outer plate                       
Embossed silver, gilded (1st BCE)                      
La Tene III

A god with torque, holding two mythological animals. Gundestrup Cauldron, ou...

Warriors on the march. four soldiers blow carnyx horns, a celtic
war trumpet.
Gundestrup Cauldron, outer plate                       
Embossed silver, gilded (1st BCE)                      
La Tene III

Warriors on the march. four soldiers blow carnyx horns, a celtic war trumpet....

Men with swords fighting three unicorns.               
Gundestrup Cauldron, inner plate.                      
Embossed silver, gilded (1st BCE)

Men with swords fighting three unicorns. Gundestrup Cauldron, inn...

Gorgo, monster.                                        
Relief (600 BCE) from the tympanum                     
of the temple of Artemis, Corfu, Greece
#100101 3

Gorgo, monster. Relief (600 BCE) from th...

Chrysaor, son of Gorgo.                                
Relief from the tympanum (580 BCE),                    
temple of Artemis, Corfu, Greece
#100101 4

Chrysaor, son of Gorgo. Relief from the tympanum...

The Naxian Sphinx                                      
Marble statue (5th BCE)
#100101 9

The Naxian Sphinx Marble statue (5th BCE)

Goddess Artemis fighting a giant.                      
Battle of the giants against the gods.                 
Relief from the north frieze of                        
the Siphnian treasury (525 BCE).

Goddess Artemis fighting a giant. Battle of the giants aga...

The wild boar of Calydon. Battle                       
of the giants against the gods.                        
Relief from the Siphnian treasury                      
(525 BCE).

The wild boar of Calydon. Battle of the giants against th...

Scylla, seamonster.                                    
Terracotta relief (5th BCE)                            
from Melos, Greece

Scylla, seamonster. Terracotta relief (5th B...

Stone statue (1st BCE).

Sphinx. Stone statue (1st BCE).

Nereid riding on a seahorse (pistricis).               
Marble (1st BCE), one of a pair found in a villa in    
Formia. The two statues were probably standing on      
the roof of a temple. Copy of a Greek original from    
the 4th BCE.

Nereid riding on a seahorse (pistricis). Marble (1st BCE), one of...

A lion head - Gargoyle.                                
Marble fragment (late Classic period - 340 BCE)        
from the temple of Artemis                             
Ephesus, Turkey                                        
Height 56 cm - Inv. 541

A lion head - Gargoyle. Marble fragment (late Cl...